London | Family Travel Photography
I approached photographing this trip a bit different than ones we have taken in the past. Keelin's third international trip and Edie's first, I want to capture more of the connection and experiences of our family while we explored London. We try to take at least one international trip each year and I know as the girls get older those experiences and connections will change and I want to start preserving more of that.United Airlines recently opened up a direct flight from Denver International Airport to Heathrow. Josh happened to have a few days off of work so we jumped at the chance to catch a flight. We have always been a bit spontaneous in our travels, never knowing we are for sure going somewhere until we are actually on the plane and usually land with an over arching plan but no concrete schedule.A redeye flight and a train ride later we landed in London staying near Waterloo. That first day we were EXHAUSTED. Powering through for some meat pies for dinner, ice cream by the Thames, before crashing in our hotel room.We explored London by foot and underground. Catching trains when we needed and walking when things were close. In an attempt to bring minimal amounts of stuff we typically opt for no stroller. Edie in the Ergo and Keelin on foot, though Keelin spent most of the trip on her Josh's shoulders.We explored London Tower and Tower Bridge. Found our way to Buckingham Palace during the changing of the guards, which just happened to be on the Queens birthday. Wandered through royal parks where we saw a gun salute in celebration of the Queen's birthday. We made our way to Harrods and Notting Hill. We saw the parliament building from a distance, fighting the crowds created by the London Marathon. We glimpsed Big Ben covered scaffolding and experienced the Eye at sunset. We took time to lounge in parks. We ate more ice cream than I would like to admit. Most importantly we connected as a family.These times of travel, adventure and exploring are so special. Traveling with the girls looks different than it would with just Josh and I, but I wouldn't change it. I love seeing Keelin light up every time we catch a train or point to something she has never seen before and yell "mama look it". They are flexible and resilient. I'm thankful they will nap in an Ergo or as dead weight in our arms while we find a place to stop for food or a snack or some tea.I said when we returned that we can't stop. They are so good at this and we have to keep doing it to maintain the ease of travel. I strongly believe that travel and exploring doesn't have to stop when kids join a family. If you want to travel, take them along for the ride. I think its good for them and I think its great for you.
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